

Aug 02, 2023

FTXT, partners deliver 100 heavy

FTXT Energy Technology, a Great Wall Motor (GWM) subsidiary, along with partners Dayun, Dongfeng and Foton, has successfully delivered a fleet of 100 hydrogen fuel cell heavy-duty trucks for the Xiong’an New Area construction project in Hebei Province, China.

The heavy trucks are fitted with high-power 111 kW hydrogen fuel cell systems and hydrogen storage, all by FTXT. The engine has a lifetime of 10,000 hours and can be started at -30 degrees C. All system components are locally sourced, with resulting costs decreased by about 28%.

Rongyi Road is the main artery for transporting construction materials to Xiong’an New Area. In the next five years, fuel cell trucks on the road will increase to more than 1,000. The trucks will be refueled at 10 Service Stations along the 50 km route. The project aims to establish the basis for expansion to other regions based on its success, and to promote the development of a green transportation system nationwide.

FTXT aims to extend the technologies to the first commercial vehicle applications using hydrogen energy in China, in the next 3 to 5 years. During the current stage, FTXT will demonstrate and promote 1,330 FCEVs in Hebei province.

GWM, China’s biggest maker of sport-utility vehicles and owner of FTXT Energy, will roll out its first hydrogen-powered SUV this year, and deploy its hydrogen-powered cars during the Winter Olympics in China next year.

Posted on 24 August 2021 in China, Fuel Cells, Heavy-duty, Hydrogen | Permalink | Comments (1)